Tuesday, April 10, 2018


I had the pleasure of presenting to the Scio Middle School staff this morning in regards to my anti-bullying campaign, it went really well and it was so nice to reconnect with old teachers as well as meet new ones who share my sane hopes and goals of ending bullying. As I've said before and I'll say again, bullying is a fight one cannot win alone and I'm so glad to be working with such great staff! I'm looking forward to the calendar filling up with more presentations and reaching as many people as possible, thank you SMS staff for giving me the opportunity to come be a part of your meeting this morning and speak to your students in the near future :) 

As always don't forget if you have anti-bullying posts and such to share on social media, use the #nicenessispriceless or even tag me in it, I'd love to see what everyone else is doing as well :)
All my social media accounts are: kaylagirl0501

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

New Sponsor :)

I am proud to announce that I have had the pleasure of being Sponsored by 1st Hand Seconds Unique Boutique! I love the variety of clothing they have and the staff is wonderful :) So excited to work with them some more! Here is the link to their website where you can find the location, phone number and an overview of their incredible mission <3


Friday, March 23, 2018

CYBERBULLYING- Action is Needed!

I put out a request a while back asking for bullying testimonials, anyone who wanted their stories shared anonymously. I received one today and this is honestly heartbreaking... A girl was cyber-bullied, and without names or age, or any personal details being used as promised here is her story.

A girl liked a guy and he liked her, well his ex girlfriend wanted him back and she found out about the feelings between the two of them. She had his old log in information to a social media account and decided to go on and text the girl he liked. So this girl thinking she got a text from the guy she liked opened up to some really mean comments which she tried to reply to with the nicest, most upstanding nature, but this..well this tore her apart.
Cyber-bullying is very real and this is a real example.. People don't realize the impact what they say can have one someone, this is the kind of message that drives a person to kill themselves, and its sent all for what? Jealousy that the guy she wanted liked someone else? Bullies think that they can hide behind the internet, that because they said it online it will have no consequences.. well that isn't true. Here's a reminder to cyberbullies, what you say online stays online, a simple screenshot got this girl proof of what was said to her just like it can any other person. Once something is online, it doesn't disappear or go away. People need to start thinking about how their actions and words will affect others, this is completely intolerable and not by any means okay! Bullying and cyber-bullying alike are fights that no one person can win alone, we need to come together! We wont ever be able to stop bulling completely but by coming together as a unit, we can work to prevent it, we can save lives that words so frequently have the power to take in our society, by coming together we can take the power a bully hold over someone back! We can turn it into kindness and start a butterfly effect that's actually worth seeing. I want to say thank you to the person who sent this to me for sharing her story, I hope this has opened up your eyes as a reader as much as it has mine as the writer...

Friday, March 9, 2018

Open Mic

Today I really want to bring the focus back to what I truly believe is worth fighting against. Bullying is becoming more prominent all across our state and country. All we hear about however is the same speech of how bullying is bad and hardly any solutions to stop it. Today I'd like to take a different approach.. Do you have a success story of bullying? Have you been bullied? Or do you know someone who's been bullied and wants to share the story of how they rose above and overcame it? The biggest satisfaction is given to a bully when they see that they have inflicted pain or hardship.. lets work together and show bullies, show the world that we have come out strong. Lets take away the satisfaction given to bullies.
   If you or someone you know has a story that you would like featured on this blog as well as "My Journey to Miss Teen International" blog, simply email me @kaylagirl0501@gmail.com
All stories will be posted anonymously for the sake of privacy.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Support Request

Hey Everyone,
I am trying to get any kind of sponsorships to help offset the cost of competing, no amount is too small and anything helps. My family and I appreciate any and all support. I'm listing my Go fund me link below and thank you on behalf of myself and my family!

Intro to Miss Teen International

Miss Teen International is a national pageant with the primary goal being to showcase the accomplishments of todays teens. I have been given the honor of being crowned Miss Teen Oregon International.
    My platform that I will speak on throughout the year is anti-bullying, for those of you who have read my other blog, www.kaylagirl0501.blogspot.com, you know of my experience with bullying. This is something I hold dear to my heart and I hope to be able to use my new title to reach even more people.
   On this blog I will be posting updates of my journey as Miss Teen Oregon International and I'm very excited to include you as my readers in this experience. Thank you for your silent support as I embark upon this new exploration.


I had the pleasure of presenting to the Scio Middle School staff this morning in regards to my anti-bullying campaign, it went really well a...